People come to me for quick relief of the distress in their lives, but they are often surprised to find that I cannot remove their fear or pain. Instead, I offer them a chance to work hard on changing the aspects of their character, which have contributed to their distress. Most people are amazed that such change is even possible. However, I witness it every day.
I have always been fascinated by the power of the group process, and have focused my 30-year career on how to effectively help people to change in that setting. What left the most impact on me personally was my personal participation in groups, where I came to experience the profound sense of safety that is possible in a properly designed therapy group.
Such change can only happen in an intensely safe and trusting relationship where we both stay committed through thick and thin. I am not afraid of my patient’s anger, terror, love or pain. These all can be steps toward a fuller, richer life. The measures of our success are the sparkle in the eye, the confidence of the posture, the relaxing of tension. The courage, tenacity and good will of my patients touch me daily as we walk together toward these goals.
- Calvin College | Bachelor of Arts – Psychology
- Wayne State University | Master of Social Work
- Academy of Certified Social Workers
- Michigan Licensed Social Worker
- Certified Group Psychotherapist
Professional Organizations
- Clinical Member | American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Clinical Member | Michigan Group Psychotherapy Society National Association