Topics include:

• Identifying and expressing feelings in a healthy way
• Separating thinking from emotions
• Making changes on a physiological level
• The necessity of emotional dependency on the therapist
• The therapeutic setting and contract
The Introductory Program courses focus on prerequisite knowledge of concepts of personality development and psychotherapy that are fundamental to understanding the integrated individual and group model of psychotherapy.
Introduction I
Introduction I examines the fundamental concepts of personality development and psychotherapy. This course emphasizes theoretical content which is addressed in selected readings, viewing of clinical videotapes, and discussions with a faculty mentor. In addition, trainees will participate in case conferences and clinical review of patients within a private practice to gain an understanding of patient care approaches within the IIGP model.
Introduction II
The second introductory course continues to examine fundamental concepts of psychotherapy. Introduction II also adds content related to the theoretical foundations and supervisory approaches of the IIGP model.
A limited number of stipends are available to serious, qualifying students.
You may download our application and stipend information HERE.